
Social Distancing and Daily Expenses, How Gift Cards Can Help

As the COVID-19 outbreak sweeps the world by storm, Canadians are faced with unprecedented times. The situation is rapidly evolving, and critical measures are adopted by officials daily to protect citizens. Whether you’re a non-profit organization, a government department, or a company that is affected by this global pandemic, your employees and those who rely on your services are likely in need more than ever. Already, the use of gift cards is proving to be highly effective in society, for a variety of reasons.

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The Best Employee Incentive Programs Are Always Tailored

In today’s competitive marketplace, employees expect more than just remuneration and benefits. They want well-balanced environments, a strong connection to the company’s values, and need to feel appreciated for their contributions. In that light, most employers establish rewards programs to underline their staff’s achievements. Of course, every business is different. No one culture encompasses all lines of work and management teams must develop tailored approaches to customize the incentives. If you’ve been tasked with implementing a recognition program, here are a few things to consider.

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Employee Appreciation Day Gift Card Ideas

Tomorrow is Employee Appreciation Day! A perfect time to strengthen the bond between employers and their teams, this unofficial holiday holds space for companies to underline everyone’s hard work. As we’ve previously discussd, gift cards are the most desirable form of reward or incentive. Here are some additional ways to tailor the gift card giving experience to optimize its effects on illustrating an employer’s appreciation for their employees.

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Gift Cards as a Better Option for Food Banks

Recognized worldwide for its exceptional quality of life, Canada is a nation of peace, wealth and opportunity. Unsurprisingly, it’s continuously rated amongst the top countries to inhabit. Most of its citizens have access to adequate resources and enjoy comfortable living conditions. However, this isn’t the case for all. Although the majority of Canadians see their basic needs met, some are burdened by food insecurity and poverty. While opening a full refrigerator or savouring a restaurant meal may seem available to all, it isn’t. Some underprivileged people battle with this reality daily and must rely on the help of social assistance organizations to survive.

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Using Gift Cards to Incentivize Customer Feedback

In today’s fast-paced and diversified marketplace, customer loyalty is the backbone of success. Creating products or services that people want is crucial. But reaching consumers by developing a brand and culture that are relevant is also a must. So how does a company stand out from the masses to retain and gain clients? By giving them what they truly desire. The best way to stay in-the-know is simple: Ask them! And how do you get their answers? Reward them with something they value!

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Gift Card Distributors: What Are They?

More than ever, gift cards are at the center of everyday life. Used in loyalty programs, to incentivize employees, or to influence consumer behaviours, they’ve become anchored in modern culture and shape socio-economic trends. It’s no surprise that corporations of all sizes strategically use this tool to respond to industry demands. In 2019, the global gift cards market was valued at approximately 358 billion U.S. dollars and is forecast to reach a value of 510 billion U.S. dollars by 2025. With so many options around, purchasing gift cards from a distributor is a sure way to simplify the process and to maximize desired outcomes, relying on professional advice and benefiting from a tailored approach.

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How to Increase Employee Safety

Employee safety is at the core of every company’s operations and a top priority for management. Even in work settings that aren’t typically considered hazardous, risks exist and it’s crucial to have proper occupational health and safety policies in place. Furthermore, it’s necessary for employees to adopt safe behaviours by respecting these guidelines – otherwise, all efforts are futile and remain words in manuals. A great way to make the staff accountable is to create an incentive program. By fostering a rewarding and positive culture surrounding safety, employers can increase the effects of their policies, and by default, protect their employees and reduce the costs and repercussions associated with work-related injuries.

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Three Creative Ways to Use Gift Cards as Incentives

We all know and love gift cards. Used as a perfect reward and loyalty tool amongst various industries, it’s a commodity that has become widely used and appreciated. When we think gift card, we often associate it with employee recognition programs, customer retention strategies, or stocking stuffers for the holiday staff party. In addition to this, gift cards are regularly used in initiatives that expand beyond this scope. Let’s explore a few proven methods that are applied in various sectors, that may not seem so obvious.

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